We've introduced a new feature allowing you to set a payment count cap on payments, which would cater various scenarios for your organization requiring you to only collect a certain number of payments.
For instance, if your organization offers limited seats or resources, such as 100 hostel spots or 100 event seats, this feature ensures that only the first 100 applicants who complete their payments secure their places. This functionality not only enhances administrative efficiency but also simplifies management of high-demand scenarios.
How to configure Payment Count Cap
You can configure payment count cap from workflows. Payment Count Cap can be added to each workflow condition block, allowing you to define different limits for different sets of applicants based on the conditions.
You need to follow the below-mentioned steps to configure payments count cap:-
- Add/edit a workflow from the Manage Workflows page.
- Fill in the value in the Payments Count Cap field with the number of applicants that you'd like to be able to pay the fee.
- Add the workflow to a desired fee via the Fee Connect page as you are used to.