We're thrilled to announce that you can now customize receipt numbers for your organization. You can define a single receipt number format that works across your organization or set a unique format for each year. Follow the steps mentioned below to enable a custom receipt number for your organization:
Step 1: Enable Receipt Number for your Organization
- Navigate to Global Settings, then click on Account Config, located under the General Tab.
- Go to the Receipt Config tab and click on Receipt No at the top.
- Toggle on the Enable Receipt No. toggle.
If you get the "You have not subscribed to this feature. Please connect with the Collexo Team to subscribe." message, kindly contact your Collexo SPOC to enable this feature for you.
Step 2: Configure the Receipt Number for your Organization
- You will be required to fill in the following fields:
- How receipt no. will be generated: You need to select one amongst the following 3 options:
- For all fee connect: Receipt no. will be enabled for all fee connects (new and existing). However receipt no. will not be generated for previous transactions. The series will start from the new transactions after saving this configuration. This option is suitable for organizations that would want future payments to have a receipt number.
- For all fee connect and previous transactions: Receipt no. will be enabled for all fee connects (new and existing) and receipt no. will be generated for all previous transactions that don't have any receipt no. after saving this configuration. This option is suitable for organizations that would like each payment, the ones in the future, as well as the ones already made, to have a receipt number.
- I will configure manually in Fee Connect: Receipt no. will be generated only for the fee connects for which receipt no. is enabled from fee connect. This option is beneficial only if the organization wants some of the fees to have a receipt number.
- Generate Unique Series By: You need to select one amongst the following options:
- Account: The defined receipt format would stay consistent across the organization.
- Year: Selecting this option would allow you to define a separate receipt format for each year that has been enabled for the organization from the Year Config.
- Receipt Format: You can define the receipt format(s) by specifying the values for the following fields:
- Prefix: Define the prefix which would stay constant for the account/year.
- Separator: Select from the available separators present in the dropdown.
- Next Number: Select the number of the next receipt that would be generated.
- How receipt no. will be generated: You need to select one amongst the following 3 options:
- After clicking on the "Save" button, the receipt number would get enabled for your organization.
Have a look at Receipt Numbers
- You can head to the Track Payments page to have a look at the receipt numbers.
- The receipt numbers would also be available on the receipts downloaded after enabling them.