Account creation is necessary to enable your institute to make use of Collexo's platform. To create a new account, navigate to the Business Accounts page found within the Manage Account menu.
How to Navigate?
- Navigate to the Menu.
- Access the Account Management section.
- Select the option for Business Accounts.
- Choose to add a New Account.
Here’s a brief description of each field:
- Account Type: Select one amongst Private Limited, Proprietorship, Partnership, Public Limited, LLP, Trust, Society, and NGO according to the institute for which the account is being created.
Account Category: Select the category that best fits the institution's profile, such as Coaching Institute, Exam, Consultant, Organization, EdTech, College, University, School, or Others.
Business Account Name: Enter the name associated with the institute for which the account is being created. - GST Number: Enter the GST Number associated with the institute for which the account is being created. It would be visible to students/applicants on the fee receipts.
- State/District/City: Select location details including state, district, and city from the available dropdowns. Students/applicants can search institutes using these location details.
Address: Enter the physical address of the institute for which the account is being created.
Support Number: Enter the contact number for student/applicant support which would be visible on the receipts. If left empty, Collexo's support number will be shown.Time Zone: Select the time zone that the institute operates in from the list of GMT zones. - Data Regions: Select the data region from the available options where the institute would prefer its data to be stored.
- Logo: Upload the institution's official logo for branding purposes. The image's dimensions must be at least 100 x 100 pixels and use JPG or PNG files. It is visible to students/applicants while making payments.
- White Label Domain: Exclusive to institutes subscribed to Meritto's services. Enables checkout on the institute's domain name only for fees configured for Meritto.
- The following fields are exclusively for Meritto-subscribed institutes with a white-labeled domain:
- Favicon: It is usually displayed in the browser's address bar or next to the page's title for the student/applicants. The icon must be square and at least 16px wide. You can use “.ico” or “.png” format for the same.
- Domain Redirection: Redirects to the specified URL when the white-labeled URL of the page requested doesn’t exist or is incorrect.
After filling in the details and submitting, you will be redirected to the subscription plans page which is discussed in detail in the following article.